Sport is a big part of the Malaysian culture, and they have games that are unique to them. They have not only excelled in these sports, but they have also passed them from one generation to another. Some of the sports that are considered to be uniquely Malaysian are as follows.
Kite Fighting (Wau)
This sport is mostly done in the North-Eastern parts of Malaysia. The traditional kites, commonly referred to as Wau are flown during the rice harvest season and they always have competitions where the multicoloured kites are pitched against each other. This sport has now become a touristic attraction in Malaysia.
Silat is a form of martial art that is known internationally. It incorporates dancelike moves into the sport. The mark of it is the fluid movement that is used to disarm the opponents. This sport is also used in a social form, as the people of Malaysia, particularly the Muslims believe it increases the spiritual strength. It is sometimes played during weddings.
Sepak Takraw
This sport is also called Sepak Raga, and it is a form of a traditional ball game. The ball is made using strips of bamboo, and the game is played with the rule being that the ball is passed and can be touched using any body part apart from hands and lower arms. Basically, it can be summarised as volleyball that is played without using hands.
This is an interesting sport that involves spinning an object that is made of wood. The top of the object is always heavy while the bottom is very thin, making the sport to be considered more like a game of strategy. Traditionally, it was played by the Malaysian people right before harvest, and it acted as a socialising tool. It was later adopted as a competitive sport.